Corporate America

First, a picture of a 8 week old Raven and her big brother from about 4 years ago...
And now, on to my topic:
Corporate America really needs a shake up. There are far too many management positions out there that don’t need to exist. I worked at 6 different companies now, and this is the first one where I have actually had respect for the management of the company.
You’d like to think that the managers, directors, VPs, and General Managers of the companies would actually have some skills that make them better at guiding companies than your average person, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Most people who want to manage seem to get a lucky break, be in the right place at the right time, or get a fancy piece of paper, like an MBA. It usually seems that those who are really good at their job are deemed too valuable to loose, so they get to keep doing their job, while those who do an average job but have a little drive get promoted up. Then, they make sure they kiss up to the right people, take credit for anything good that happens near them, and wear Teflon armor for anything bad that happens. Thus, they move up through the ranks of management.
Once they get to be something like a VP or CEO, they are pretty much going to hold that position or higher no matter how incompetent they are. Why? The reason that we are told is because of experience. Companies hire for experience. If you have 5 years experience as CEO of Widgetworks, you will be taken seriously you apply for a CEO position at another company. It doesn’t matter that Widgetworks almost went bankrupt under your steady guidance. Any half-whit can make it sound like all the good things were his initiatives, and all the bad things were from factors outside his control, and he ,now, has learned from those problems, and can prevent them in the future. Why if you are good enough at driving companies into the ground, you can even go as high as President of the United States.
What’s the real reason that once you get a manager position, you stay at that level or higher, no matter what? Management empathy. They recognize that they could be in the same boat as you someday, because there really are factors outside anyone’s control, and anyone could be looking for a new job someday. They figure that, “There, but for the grace of god, go I.” It’s basically a big good ole boys club.
This ends up locking down the class structure. Look at any very rich person’s kids. Chelsea Clinton, George W Bush, Aerin Lauder (the daughter of Estee Lauder, with whom I went to University). Chelsea is now working at a 6 figure job and will probably end up wherever she wants. George W Bush never proved himself, or earned his way up the career ladder, yet he ended up CEO of multiple companies, before he even got into politics. Aerin Lauder is being put in charge of a large division of Estee Lauder, Inc, and she never “worked her way up.” There are countless other examples.
America is called the land of opportunity, but it’s getting very hard for the standard rags to riches story to come true anymore. The rich get richer. The poor stay poor, and the middle class becomes poor.
Why are tax breaks and other incentives given to companies by the US government? Companies aren’t pro-US. They are pro-profit. If they ruin the US, but make huge profits, and end up just moving to another country, that’s fine with most corporations. The reason they get incentives, is because they give donations and jobs to the Senators and Congressmen , and have powerful lobbies.
It’s all inter-twined. How do we fix it? I don’t know, but something needs to change.
The dude abides! Yeah, clear the management clutter. I agree. Cheers, E from Detroit Rock City
Ever read The Peter Principle? It's pretty funny and right on.
At my work they did an anonymous employee survey recently that they were giving to all their employees at all their different stores. We got back the results the other day - along with the usual corporate waffle about how our answers are important to them and that they'll make strides hand-in-hand with us to better fulfil their mission and so on.
Employee approval of immediate (store-level) management? 86%
Employee approval of senior management? 37%
Hope it really was anonymous... ^_^
I know where I work, midmanagers couldn't run my classes. They wet themselves first. I prefer they stay hidden in their offices.
Whenever we get a good manager, they leave us. Why stay? Especially when you can make more money in the private sector.
Erik: No - I need to read the Peter Principle, but I'm sure I know the main message already. I should get it someday.
Anomally: Hopefully your senior management will actually do something to help that, but I'm sure the only changes they will make are ones that affect the bottom line (or at least ones that they think will affect the bottom line).
JR - That must be tough. I know I have no desire to leave the private sector and go work for the government.
Hey Jamie,
Got to your blog through Jim's. Just catching up on your entries and I really like this post, in particular, on Corporate America. My husband is a financial analyst at the bank where we met 18 years ago, but there have been so many mergers over the years and now a Dutch bank owns the whole mess. We're always sitting on our front porch discussing this! It's tough on the guys, like him, who AREN'T married to their jobs, who don't necessarily want to kiss ass, or move up the ladder, but just do their job to the best of their ability. He gets very frustrated with one particular guy who is just a blatant ass-kisser and credit-taker, like you mentioned! Oh, but what to do about it? Tough stuff! Have you watched the documentary "The Corporation"? I've heard it's really good, but haven't seen it yet. --Robin
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