Sunday, December 03, 2006


I've been tagged by Helen to write 6 wierd things about myself:

1) I can remember all sorts of things with ease, except people's names. I can remember what happened in what tech support call for a customer 2 years ago, or what technical command is necessary to be run, or what flags it takes. However, I have the hardest time remembering people's names.

2) I have memorized Edgar Allen Poe's, The Raven.

3) I have memorized Pi to 35 decimal places

4) As a US citizen, living in the US, I married a Canadian citizen

5) I have started to do my weight workout with a sledgehammer. Check out for more information. It's actually more like going back to how Native Americans would work out with a weighted stick.

6) I am very flexible. I can sit on the ground, with legs spread, and lean forward and put my chin on the ground.


Blogger Erik Donald France said...

Hey John Henry, the sledgehammer things sounds gratifying. Names can be a pain -- it's always tricky getting dozens of students in order. Various tricks to keep them in mind, not all of them work. Quoth the raven. . . .

6:32 PM  
Blogger ZZZZZZZ said...

haha great things! I can't believe you memorized pi! the only thing I remember is 3.14 something... something... something.. haha.

8:34 AM  
Blogger Undercover Mother said...

HA! I tagged Helen!!!

I have the prologue to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales memorized...

in Middle English.

'Bout as useful as pi to the billionth decimal point!

9:06 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

Thanks for doing it Jamie! Helen x

10:21 AM  

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